Nov 24th – Project Updates

Diving into the dataset I have charted a course through the construction and remodeling history of our urban landscape. The data stretches back to the 1700s, revealing an enduring legacy of architectural history with a mean construction year nestled in the roaring twenties—a time when the city was burgeoning with new structures. The standard deviation tells a story of diversity; a 42-year spread indicates an array of property ages, painting a picture of a city that grew in bursts and waves, rather than a steady stream.

The histogram I’ve examined shows a city that reached its zenith of construction in the 1900s, a testament to a bygone era of rapid expansion and the industrial boom. Over 50,600 buildings from that period still stand today, marking it as the most prolific in the city’s history. Fast forward to the 1980s, and the data reveals a peak in renovations, with over 104,000 properties rejuvenated, suggesting a decade of renewal and transformation, echoing a renewed spirit of urban revitalization.

Interestingly, the skewness of the construction years leans towards older properties, hinting at a city that values and preserves its past. Yet, the kurtosis presents a flat distribution, suggesting few anomalies in this historical narrative. When it comes to renovations, the data shows a less skewed distribution, revealing a consistent effort to update and modernize. However, the weak correlation between construction or remodel years and total property value challenges common perceptions, indicating that a property’s age or its updates do not necessarily equate to its market worth—a fascinating observation that suggests the city’s real estate value is dictated by more than just its history or its facelifts.

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